SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — AMPEL BioSolutions’ Co-Founder and COO/CSO Dr. Amrie Grammer today at the Biotech Showcase at JP Morgan Healthcare announces the kickoff of a Series A $12.5M raise to commercialize LuGENETM, a gene-based diagnostic. AMPEL’s initial focus is Lupus, but the test can be used for many autoimmune or inflammatory diseases. AMPEL’S goal is to have its test available for routine use by physicians within the next few years.
LuGENETM is a breakthrough in precision and personalized medicine that could revolutionize the way doctors treat chronic diseases, like Lupus. The lab test, only a concept for the last few years, is now ready for commercialization for practical decision support for precise drug treatment based on a patient’s genes. LuGENETM will transform the way doctors treat chronic diseases by using the information gathered by the lab test and analyzed by machine learning to predict a flare and treat it before it even begins, saving patients from pain and inconvenience of a disease that otherwise drastically affects their lives.
“Predicting lupus disease flares, allowing initiation or modification of disease-modifying therapies, should have an important impact on patient health,” stated Mary K. Crow, MD the Physician-in-Chief, Hospital for Special Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical Center and Former President American College of Rheumatology. “LuGENE seems to be an important step in that direction. Application of knowledge of molecular mechanisms to aid in patient management is the future of lupus care and will benefit patients and improve outcomes.”
Click here to read the entire press release.