Dr. Emanuel F Petricoin is the Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder of Perthera, Inc., Perthera is a leading precision medicine company that empowers all cancer patients and oncologists globally with the most comprehensive molecular profiling and data analytics process. Dr. Petricoin has been the Co-Director of the Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine at George Mason University since 2005, where he is a University Professor. Prior to this position, he served as Co-Director of the FDA-NCI Clinical Proteomics Program and a Senior Investigator within the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at the FDA from 1993-2005. He has authored over 360 peer-reviewed publications and invited reviews with an H Factor of 92, and is on the editorial board of over 10 high impact journals. He has received numerous awards including the University Professorship at George Mason University, the NIH Director’s Award, FDA Distinguished Scientist Award, 2015 Innovator of the Year Award, GAP50 Top Virginia Entrepreneurs, Nifty 50 Award, American Society of Cytopathology Basic Research Award, the Roche Diagnostics/CLAS Distinguished Scientist Award and the Harvard University Leading Edge Award and is a Kentucky Colonel.